50 Intimate Questions to Ask Your Girl
If you want to know as much as possible about the girl you are dating, then it is worth asking her some intimate questions. However, be sure that between you there was already a certain trust to speak on such scrupulous subjects. The girl will think you the inadequate young man differently, and at best will stop a conversation.
I went to ask Jasminlive girls what intimate questions they would be comfortable answering if asked by the guy they are dating. I came up with the list of 50 intimate questions. They will help to disclose all essence of the girl. After that to you will communicate and have more simply and easier relations. As you know each other better.
In spite of the fact that some questions can seem naive or “from a position from below”, all the same from them much useful information can gather and to draw for itself certain conclusions. Choose for yourself several the most interesting intimate questions and by means of them develop communication from darling.
- #1 If you had no vital duties, what would you do day by day?
- #2 How perspective you consider our relationship?
- #3 As far as marriage is important for you? The family and children are how important? Do you have in mind a deadline on these things?
- #4 Kind of you wanted that your life changed in five years? Whether you see me a part of such changes?
- #5 Do you have requirements which are not implemented? What can I make to help you with this plan?
- #6 Would stay with me if learned that I cannot have children? If I had a criminal record? If I had a big debt? If I strongly got sick?
- #7 Would Remain with me if I had an accident which would spoil my appearance?
- #8 Was it sometime I hurt you, and you at this moment were silent?
- #9 What thoughts make you unfortunate?
- #10 What I could make that you believed that I love you?
- #11 What could make then you would fall in love with me even more?
- #12 Sometime thought of the love nature?
- #13 you Go in cycles in memories of the past? Would like to erase certain memoirs from the head?
- #14 Do you still have feelings to someone from the past?
- #15 What attracted you in me as soon as we met?
- #16 The physical inclination between the guy and the girl, how important for you?
- #17 Would touch me if learned that I still have feelings to the ex-girlfriend?
- #18 When you the kissed with the guy passionately for the first time?
- #19 At what age you lost virginity? How was it?
- #20 How many guys were in your life?
- #21 Sometime changed? Why? Under what circumstances?
- #22 Do your sexual imaginations arise and what?
- #23 How you treat role-playing games?
- #24 Do you masturbate? How it is frequent?
- #25 Imagine the ideal relations. How often would you like to have proximity in them?
- #26 What was family life of your parents? Would you call their union harmonious?
- #27 What in me would change?
- #28 What definition you will give to the concept “love”?
- #29 What would change in itself?
#30 If you have to tell about me to other people what you will tell?
- #31 What moment from the past you would return? Why?
- #32 Which of the last relationships were the happiest? Why they ended?
- #33 When the conflict how you react accrues?
- #34 C what greatest obstacle you ever faced in life? How did overcome it?
- #35 What you consider the greatest achievement in life? What would you still want to reach?
- #36 What moment from the past would like to forget?
- #37 You dream nightmares? What usually in them happens?
- #38 You forgive yourself for own offenses?
- #39 Sometime wanted to escape from reality? It turned out to do it?
- #40 What would like to tell me most of all?
- #41 Is there something that you do not know about me, but would like to find out?
- #42 As you think what does our relations with you unique, not similar to others?
- #43 At what place or the country would like to appear with me?
- #44 Your favorite reminiscence from our history of the relationship?
- #45 Do you believe in destiny, predestination?
- #46 Would like to become well-known? How?
- #47 Describe the “ideal day”?
- #48 How much time it is necessary for you to get enough sleep?
- #49 You are an owl or a lark?
- #50 Do you believe in female friendship?
That’s it. Now you know what intimate questions can you ask the girl you are dating and want to know better. Good luck!